"American Vineyard Foundation"
The American Vineyard Foundation is a California corporation organized in 1978 by the American Society of Enology and Viticulture as a vehicle to raise funds for research in viticulture and enology.
"Baron Herzog"
the producers of fine Kosher wines since 1848, the Royal Wine Corporation remains the leading producer, importer and distributor of high quality Kosher wines in the world
"Christermon Foundation"
The Christermon Foundation is a non-profit organization of the Beverage Alcohol Industry.The mission of the Foundation is to demonstrate and promote a positive image for our industry within the community.
"Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute"
The site features information about the Institute, Faculty research activities, academic information, as well as news about the Industry
"Great Alaska Wine Nose"
Taster from the tundra shares notes on California and Washington wines
"Lodi-Woodbridge Winegrape Commission"
The commission's innovative programs in viticultural research, grower education, and marketing and promotion serve as models of local action, and are the envy of other grape producing regions around the nation.
"National Wine & Grape Industry Centre"
Links to the Centre's researchers and other viticulture resarch centers
"Organic Grapes into Wine Alliance (OGWA)"
support the production of wines made from organically grown grapes. We do this through establishing production standards,education,cooperation and leadership.
"Port Wine Institute"
The Port Wine Institute is the entity that is responsible for supervising and certifying wines bearing the Porto denomination of origin
"Sonoma Valley Visitors Bureau"
official web site of the Sonoma Valley. Located only 45 minutes north of San Francisco, Sonoma Valley is best known for its award-winning wines and wineries.
"The Washington Wine Commission"
The Commission has designed this web siteto give you an easy access to a wealth of information about our state's wine, wineries and wine event
"Uncork New York"
The New York Wine & Grape Foundation is a partnership between the public and private sectors conducting comprehensive promotion and research programs to support the State's grape and wine industry.